Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 2 - 6

Be a Critical Reader 
by Reading Connection
March 2015

"I wonder what that character is thinking."  "Hmm, how did the author pick the setting for this story?"  Critical readers think about things like this when they read.  These activities can help your youngster practice reading critically at home.

Hold Imaginary Conversations
  If Peter Rabbit could chat with Curious George, what would he say?  What would a conversation between Miss Frizzle and Encyclopedia Brown sound like?  Read two books with your child.  Then, each of you should pick a character to be, and carry on a conversation.  Idea:  Suggest that your youngster use what he knows about the characters (Peter and George tend to get into trouble) to predict what they'll discuss (ways to stay out of trouble).

Switch the Setting
  Encourage your youngster to think about how a book's plot and setting are related.  Read a story to him, and have him draw a picture of a new setting for it.  Maybe he'll draw Encyclopedia Brown solving a mystery in a desert or on a cruise ship instead of in the town of Idaville.  Idea:  Ask him to retell the story to you using the new location.  He will see how changing the setting affects the story.  

Know the Author
  Let your child get several books by the same author.  As you read them together, talk about what they have in common.  ("The main character in all of her books is an animal.")  What can your youngster guess about the author based on her books?  For example, she probably likes animals, and maybe she has pets or has lived on a farm.  Idea:  Look up an author online or read the "About the Author" section in a book to learn about her life.