Friday, August 30, 2019

Welcome! Sept. 2019


With hopes that everyone had a wonderful summer. We are happy to be coming back and are ready for a great year. Welcome back students and welcome to those who are new with us this year. Mrs. Krasnodebski will be working in 3rd Grade Resource this year. Students will see her throughout the third-grade area all day long!  Mrs. Kelly continues to work with our third graders this year.  We welcome Mrs. Kornafel, who is new to assisting in 3rd grade this year from Elizabeth Ide. Also, we welcome two new assistants to 3rd Grade from 4th grade; Mrs. Wrzesinski and Mrs. Paljetak.  How lucky we are to have them a part of our third-grade team!

We are all looking forward to working with your child and helping him/her to achieve at his/her full potential. Mrs. Krasnodebski will be discussing your child's academic history with his/her classroom teachers in preparation for the upcoming year. The parent-teacher relationship is vital to your child's success in school. By working together, we can help your child have a very fulfilling learning experience.

We hope to see you at the Prairieview Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 4th . If you are able to visit, the resource room is located in the 3rd Grade Wing on the first floor. Mrs. Krasnodebski may be reached at the respective e-mail address: . She can respond more quickly when sent an email. Throughout the year, she will communicate with the home through notes in the assignment notebook, blog, telephone calls, progress reports, school newsletters and report cards. She will also be available for parent-teacher conferences, as they are needed.

Mrs. Krasnodebski's teaching is based on the premise that all students can learn, despite any obstacles in their path. For that reason, our students receive instruction and support both in the general education classroom and in the resource room. Your child will receive an educational program that encompasses the goals and instructional strategies outlined in his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP). We will work very hard to help your child complete all of his/her goals and objectives. If you have any questions regarding your child's academic performance, please do not hesitate to make contact.

The resource room is a classroom like any other. In order to function, it must have rules and policies that ensure fair treatment for teachers and students alike. The specific rules and consequences of our classroom will be established as a class and signed within the first few weeks. If you have any questions regarding the rules, I will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Once again, welcome back! The 2019-2020 school year is going to be a great experience for your child! Thank you in advance for your support and commitment throughout the year.