Friday, November 15, 2019

November 18 - 22

Good Grade Wall

Our kids run into so much negativity from other people, from situations, and – admit it – from their own head! And while we *do* have to be firm with our kids, we have to set expectations and dole out discipline, we should still be a source of support and encouragement.
That’s why I LOVED what one of our Facebook friends shared her “Good Grade Wall”.
Here’s what she said:

Since our daughter struggles so much in school due to her ADHD and multiple Learning Disabilities, we are always looking for ways to let her know that with extra work and putting the time in she can achieve EVERYTHING else the other kids in her class can. Sometimes a visual can help her see this better so we decided that we would make a “Good Grade Wall” in our kitchen, right across from where she does her homework where all her awesome papers will shine! Now, every time she gets frustrated or unfocused, those papers will stand as a reminder for her that she IS successful!
Don’t you just love it?!
What do you do to encourage your child?