Friday, May 17, 2013

May 20-24


May 27 -- Memorial Day -- No School
May 29 --  Talent Show
June 3 --  School picnic
June 4 --  Bowling
June 5 --  Last day of school; Dismissal 9:30 for PV

On Wednesday and Thursday our 4th grade classes will be taking a field trip to the Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Arts. We will be leaving school at 9:30 and returning around 12:00. Your child MUST BRING A SACK LUNCH on the day of their fieldtrip. 

Homework:  In an effort to make the transition to 5th grade as smooth as possible, the fourth grade teachers will be enforcing the 5th grade policy for late work during the month of May. 

The policy is as follows:
-Any assignment that is late, but not taken for a grade, will receive a late slip. The student will have one point taken out of his/her homework bank. (NO CHANGE)
-Any assignment that is late & taken for a grade will receive a late slip, but no points will be lost from the homework bank. If the assignment is turned in one day late, the final grade will be reduced by 10%. If the assignment is more than one day late, but turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be reduced by 25%. If the assignment is not turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be a zero.