Friday, April 5, 2013

April 8 - 12

Reading with Your Child

  As your youngster learns how to read, celebrate his new skills by letting him read to you.  With these ideas, he can practice reading smoothly and using expression.

Set him up for success.
Help him pick stories he'll feel confident reading aloud.  These might be books that you have read to him many times (say a favorite bedtime story) or stories that have a repeating phrase.  Idea: If he chooses a harder book, suggest that you take turns reading pages or paragraphs.

Offer encouragement.
Pointing out what your child does well can help him do it again. ("Your voice sounded growly - just like a bear - when you read that line!")  Idea: If he stumbles over a word here and there, tell him what it is so he doesn't get frustrated and can continue reading.  If he hesitates over too many words, let him pick an easier book.

Make suggestions.
Your youngster will read more fluently if he understands the story.  If his voice sounds flat or he's reading too fast or too slow, stop to talk about what's happening in the book.  ("Wow, that part was scary!  How do you think the mouse feels?")  Once he understands the plot, have him read it again.

Tip:  Try to let your child read aloud every day.  Even a few minutes will increase his confidence and help him become a more fluent reader!

from Reading Connection, April 2013

Upcoming Dates:
*Math Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
*No school on Tuesday - Institute Day.
*OLSAT testing on Thursday from 10:00-11:00.
*No school on Friday.
*Spring Open House on Thursday, April 18.