Yet when you think there are no more ways to practice spelling ... here are more Creative Ways to Practice Spelling Words!
Crossword - Complete a pre-made crossword puzzle.
Surround words - Write your words on graph paper and outline in colors.
Ransom words - Write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue them on a paper.
Pyramid Words - Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape of words.
Words-in-words - Write your word and then write at least 2 words made from each.
Delicious words - Write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter,or anything you can eat! Bring in a note from a parent!
Good Clean Words -Write your words in shaving cream on a counter or some other surface that can be cleaned safely.
Dirty Words - Write your words in mud or sand.
Pasta Words - Write your words by arranging alphabet pasta or Alphabits. Glue on paper or bring me a note from a parent and do on a table or counter at home.
Reversed words - Write your words in ABC order -backwards!
3D words - Use modeling clay rolled thinly to make your words. Bring a note if done at home.
Create an activity - Can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Try it out!
Puzzle words - Use a blank puzzle form. Write your words on the form, making sure that the words cross over the pieces. Then cut them out (color if you wish) and put them in a baggie with your name on it. When you and a friend have completed your puzzles, trade and put them back together.
Magazine words - Use an old magazine or newspaper and find your word. Cut it out and glue it on paper.