Important Dates . . .
October 6 – Progress Reports (D's & F's only) mailed home
October 12 -- Columbus Day -- No School
October 21 -- Early Dismissal
October 29 – Independent Reading Program folders due
October 30 -- Teacher Institute -- No School
Trimester Midpoint:
Please take a few minutes to check your child's grades in each subject.
Language Arts
We are wrapped up the Level I unit on sentences. We will advance our knowledge in this area with Levels II and III. Students build their skills from recognizing phrases and sentences to identifying attributes of sentences. They should be able to identify that a sentence has two parts: a who or what part that tells who or what the sentence is about and a does what part that tells what the who or what does.
We are working on phonics and sight word reading skills daily. They will continue working throughout the week practicing a poem focusing on fluency. This poem is introduced on Monday and they are to read it to me on Friday without any assistance. It is important to keep practicing nightly! Also, they will continue sorting information independently into categories to find the main idea.
Please keep reading 20 minutes a night for a minimum of 20 days in the month to complete the Independent Reading Program! Due to some confusion I have made a new sheet, you may just note the time read in increments of 20 minutes. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The final turn in day for the month will be Wednesday, October 29th. Keep reading!
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test. One strategy you can use to help is: Pyramid Words - Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape of words.
Social Studies
The children will complete their study of Unit 1 this week. They should be able to explain that they live in a town which is part of a state that belongs to a country. Then the larger part is how a country is part of a continent which is part of the world; hence, Lesson 5: Our Country in Part of Our World. To study for the test they may want to remember the phrase Never Eat Soggy Waffles to remember North, South, East, & West. We will review on Wednesday and Thursday. The study guide will go out on Wednesday. The test is scheduled for Friday. On Wednesday I can send home books; however, the worksheets and vocabulary cards are a great start and mainly what they will need to know for the test.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
We will continue focusing on Make a Ten strategy. Then we will work on basic addition facts for a couple of lessons. The children are using various techniques to achieve the sum; whether it be a numberline, touchpoints, manipulatives, or memory.
Daily Homework
Reading - 20 minutes and complete Independent Reading Folder Log
- practice reading poems given to work on fluency
Spelling - Practice Page nightly & study words
Math - practice counting, one to one correspondence, and addition facts with a sum of 10
Social Studies – Unit 1 Test :) on Friday
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time.