Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Week of September 22-26
For vocabulary review at home for the story My Name is Maria Isabel check out:
then click on eWord Game
* you can also use the eGlossary to look up definitions
Check out the Harcourt website for additional science resources:
Friday, August 29, 2008
Week of September 1-5
We are into the second week of school now and you are probably wondering, "What blog should I read?" Here is the answer to your question: "Mrs. Krasnodebski's Blog" - for any class my child goes to with her in her room. "Mrs. Cirjakovic's Blog" - for all classes my child is in her room. "Mr. Murphy's Blog" - for all classes my child is in his room. Other fourth grade teachers - if my child is in their class." Does that begin to help you out? If not please email me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
August 21, 2008

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. We are happy to be coming back and are ready for a great year. I would like to welcome those students who are returning and those who are new with us this year. Mrs. Krasnodebski will be working in 4th Grade Resource this year. We welcome Ms. Shahnasarian, who is new in assisting at Prairieview School. Also, we are thrilled to announced that you will be rejoined with Mrs. Micek, who had assisted in 3rd last year. She also has assisted in 4th, and 5th grades at both Elizabeth Ide and Prairieview schools over years; so, she will be coming with a wealth of knowledge in the grade levels.
We are all looking forward to working with your child and helping him/her to achieve at his/her full potential. I will be discussing your child's academic history with his/her classroom teachers in preparation for the upcoming year. The parent-teacher relationship is vital to your child's success in school. By working together, we can help your child have a very fulfilling learning experience.
We hope to see you at the Open House on Monday, August 25th . If you are able to visit, the resource room is located in the 4th Grade Wing on the second floor. Mrs. Krasnodebski may be reached during school hours at (630) 783-5068. You may leave a voice mail message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. I may also be reached at my respective e-mail address: . I tend to be able to respond more quickly when sent a email. Throughout the year, I will communicate with the home through notes in the assignment notebook, my blog, telephone calls, progress reports, school newsletters and report cards. I will also be available for parent-teacher conferences, as they are needed.
My teaching is based on the premise that all students can learn, despite any obstacles in their path. For that reason, our students receive instruction and support both in the resource room and in the general education classroom. Your child will receive an educational program that encompasses the goals and instructional strategies outlined in his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP). We will work very hard to help your child complete all of his/her goals and objectives. If you have any questions regarding your child's academic performance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The resource room is a classroom like any other. In order to function, it must have rules and policies that ensure fair treatment for teachers and students alike. The specific rules and consequences of our classroom will be established as a class and signed within the first few weeks. If you have any questions regarding the rules, I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Once again, I would like to welcome everyone back from summer vacation. The 2008-2009 school year is going to be a great experience for your child! I would like to thank you in advance for your support and commitment throughout the year.
Best Wishes,
Mrs. Krasnodebski
Tips for Parents

Mrs. K
Published: 8/6/08, 12:30 PM EDT By Mary Meehan
- Establish a sleep routine with a set bedtime.
- Don't allow a television in your child's room. Studies show that a child with a TV in his room sleeps less.
- Set out an outfit for the next day at bedtime. Have backpacks packed and ready to go.
- Before you turn out the light, take a moment for an extra snuggle or a kiss or two. A little love can go a long way. Try to end the day on a positive note.
- Infoplease is a free reference site including an encyclopedia, dictionary, almanacs
and a "Homework Center" that covers English, math, history, geography, science and social studies. Plus it has a "Skills" section to help improve study, writing, speaking and research abilities.
Check out:
- Need help with homework or a school project? Discovery Education provides "Homework Help" to students in all grades with links to loads of sites. The links are convienently organized according to subject.
Check out:
- Homework Spot offers links to Web sites grouped by grade level.
Check out:
- Scholastic's "Homework Hub" offers free tools, tips and activities arranged according to grade and subject. In addition, it provides an online store offering Scholastic brand products.
Check out:
- offers live, online tutoring with personalized programs for fourth to 12th grade students. Users must purchase levels of membership ranging from $30 to $175.
- Provide a quiet, well-lighted space. Let your child personalize the space with artwork.
- Make sure you have all the needed supplies. Review what your child needs because things can change from year to year.
- Schedule a regular time to do homework. Adapt to what works best for your child. Some work best in the afternoon; others do better after the sun goes down.
- Turn off the television and limit phone calls during study time.
- If your child has several assignments or tests coming up, mark them on a calendar together.
- For long-term projects, help your child break down the work into manageable steps.
- Buy 100 percent fruit juice. The carton can be frozen to keep the lunch box cool.
- Yogurt and real fruit can be blended for a wholesome drink.
- Dried fruit provides energy for active kids. Raisins have lots of healthful phytochemicals.
- Red, black and green grapes will add color, as well as nutrients, to the lunch bag. They also are delicious frozen.
- Water is the healthiest choice. Small bottles are just right for little hands.
- Keep the skin on the apple for insoluble fiber and vitamin C.
- Add a little fun to the vegetables. Homemade dips can be placed in resealable containers.
- Pull-apart string cheese is fun for children and is packed with calcium.
- Kids love "little trees." To make cauliflower a vivid yellow, saute it briefly with a spoonful of turmeric.
- Buy baked snacks in large containers and portion a handful in a plastic bag to save money.
- Frequently empty out your child's backpack. Don't let him or her become a pack rat. Students should carry only what they need for the day.
- Beware of messenger bags: Ideally, find a knapsack that has straps on both sides and that is padded, ensuring an even distribution of weight.
- Don't let your child carry a backpack on one shoulder.
- Opt for a lightweight material, such as heavy-duty nylon, rather than leather.
- The backpack's lowest point should be 2 inches above the wearer's waist.
- The heaviest books should go in the part of the pack that fits closest to your child's back. Light items should go near the outside to reduce back strain.
- Instead of asking "How was your day?" ask specific questions, such as "What did you do on the playground?" or "What kind of problems are you working on in math?"
- Remember that kids might need a little extra decompression time after a long day at school. Don't worry if they aren't ready to talk right away.
- Share information about your day. Communication is a two-way street.
(c) 2008, Lexington Herald-Leader.
Visit the Herald-Leader on the World Wide Web at
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
Friday, May 23, 2008
Important Dates:
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
May 27, 2008 – Robert Crown Field Trip
May 29, 2008 – Bowling Field Trip
May 30, 2008 -- 5th Grade Dance
June 5, 2008 – Last Day of School

We are wrapping up the poetry anthology unit this week. I bet you can't wait to see the final product by the beginning of next week!

The second half of Chapter 9 wrapped up last week. We will continue to study fractions the rest of this week.
Social Studies

We will begin our final chapter for the year this week, Chapter 19, Into the Twenty-first Century. By the end of the chapter your child should be able to understand more recent history. Events like 9/11/01 brought nationalism back! It's unfortunate that a terrorists had to bring us to this state of defense and pride of being an American. It's amazing how history can repeat itself.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
We are well into the poetry anthology unit. Each and every child in this class is talented in the area of writing and identifying good poetry! This week we will continue to type our poems to publish. I can't wait to see the final product!
Chapter 9, the study of fractions, continues! We will study fractions greater than 1, improper fractions, mixed numbers, and relating fractions and decimals this week. A checkpoint quiz will be Friday, May 16th. They may prepare by reviewing pages 348-349.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Important Dates:
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
We are well into the poetry anthology unit. Each and every child in this class is talented in the area of writing poems! They all have a knack for poetry. This week your child will be picking five of their own poems written over the last few weeks and five of their favorite poems by other poets to include in their very own poetry book. When all poems are selected, they will be typing their poems to publish. I can't wait to see the final product!
This week we will begin Chapter 9, Fractions. There are many new concepts and vocabulary that will be introduced. It is important that students pay close attention to in-class instruction and participate in good note taking.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Week of April 28th - May 2nd
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
We are well into the poetry anthology unit. Every day your child is introduced to new types poems. This week we will be working on Tale Poems, Argument Poems, Humorous Poems, Cinquain, Descriptive Poetry, and finally Diamonte Poems. In the end your child will be picking ten of their favorite poems to include in their very own poetry book.
We will begin the week with measuring the volume of solid figures. There will be a checkpoint quiz on April 30th over pages 464-465. Finally, the Chapter 11 test will be on Thursday, May 1st.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Week of April 21st
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
April 25, 2008 -- Spirit Day -- Decade Day (dress in 50's, 60's, 70's 80's wear)
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Each child is responsible for bringing in their favorite poem to share with the class on Monday, April 21st. This week we will begin our poetry anthology unit. Every day your child will be introduced to new types poems. Your child will be picking ten of their favorite poems to include in their very own poetry book.
We will begin the week with a checkpoint quiz over pages 448-449. Then, we will begin with finding the perimeter of a polygon. Next, we will find the area of rectangles and squares. Finally, we will determine the area of parallelograms and triangles. Finally, we will measure the volume of solid figures. There will be a checkpoint quiz on April 30th over pages 464-465. Chapter 11 test will be on May 1st.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Week of April 14th
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
We will be wrapping ups the last lesson on double subjects Monday. Then, Tuesday and Wednesday will will review the entire pronoun unit. The Unit 6 Test is scheduled for Thursday, April 17th. It will be their homework to bring in their favorite poem to share with the class on Monday, April 21st to begin our new Poetry Unit.
We continue to work in our measurement unit, Chapter 11. Last week we covered elapsed time, units of length, and convert customary units of length. We will begin with a review at the beginning of the week and then we will convert units of capacity, weight, and temperature. Heads up - a checkpoint quiz is planned for next week.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Week of April 7th
April 11, 2008 -- Spirit Day – Baseball Day – wear your favorite team's shirt
April 18, 2008 -- Spirit Day – Rock Band Day – wear your favorite band's shirt
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
We have begun Unit 6, Pronouns. We will cover the topics of using I & me in a sentence, possessive pronouns, contractions with pronouns, and double subjects this week. This should just about wrap up the unit. I anticipate doing a review on Monday, April 14th; therefore, the test should be Wednesday, April 16th.
Hopefully you have started out the month right and picked out a good book for your April book reports. They will be due Wednesday, April 30th. We are well on our way to completing our China unit project Friday of this week. This is an exciting project to show all they learned about China before break.
We will begin the study of measurement with Chapter 11. This week we will cover elapsed time and units of length.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Week of March 31st
March 31, 2008 -- Classes Resume
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
We will begin the week by reviewing last weeks expository essay and comparing it to what really did happen over their Spring Break. Then, we will begin Unit 6, Pronouns. We will cover subject pronouns, object pronouns, and using I & me in a sentence this week.
Start out the month right and pick out a good book for your April book reports! They will be due Wednesday, April 30th. We will begin our China unit project this week. This should be an exciting project to show all they learned about China before break.
This week we will finishing up Chapter 7, Geometry. In the last two lessons, we will identify parts of a circle and identify solid figures. We will be doing the open book and note Checkpoint Quiz on Wednesday, April 2nd. Finally, our open note and open book Chapter 7 test on Geometry will be Friday, April 4th.
Week of March 17th
IMPORTANT *** March book reports will be due this Wednesday, March 19th.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Week of March 10th
March 10-14, 2008 -- ISAT Testing
March 11, 2008 -- Report Cards
March 14, 2008 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School
March 21, 2008 -- No School
March 24, 2008 -- Spring Break Begins
March 31, 2008 -- Classes Resume
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
Did you know that expository writing is almost any type of written language out there other than narrative (story)? We will be evaluated on this type of writing on our ISAT Writing Test this week.
We will begin our unit on China. I am encouraging your child to bring in anything they may have from China to share with the class. March book reports will be due Wed. March 19th.
No math this week – Please continue to look at the review packet for ISAT math.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Week of March 3rd
March 3, 2008 -- Casimir Pulaski Day -- No School
March 7, 2008 -- Too Good For Drugs Graduation @ 1:00
March 10-14, 2008 -- ISAT Testing Week & Conference Week
March 11, 2008 -- Report Cards
March 14, 2008 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School
March 21, 2008 -- No School
March 24, 2008 -- Spring Break Begins
March 31, 2008 -- Classes Resume
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
Did you know that expository writing is almost any type of written language out there other than narrative (story). We will be evaluated on this type of writing on our ISAT Writing Test coming up in a few weeks.
We will continue working in our ISAT book this week. Students will be reading passages, answering multiple choice questions, and answering a question that requires them to provide an extended response answer. So far, students have been doing a wonderful job turning their question around and using text proof from the author to support their answer.
We will be working in a review packet for ISAT math. Also, we will be working on problem solving and T-charts.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Week of February 25
February 29, 2008 -- End of Trimester
March 3, 2008 -- Casimir Pulaski Day -- No School
March 7, 2008 -- Too Good For Drugs Graduation @ 1:00
March 11, 2008 -- Report Cards
March 14, 2008 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School
March 21, 2008 -- No School
March 24, 2008 -- Spring Break Begins
March 31, 2008 -- Classes Resume
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal
This week will be wrapping up with Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation. Our test on this chapter is scheduled for Tuesday, February 26th. After the test, students will have an opportunity to show what they have learned by filling in Garfield comic strips. Wednesday we will begin expository writing. Did you know that expository writing is almost any type of written language out there other than narrative (story). We will be evaluated on this type of writing on our ISAT Writing Test coming up in a few weeks.
The February book report is due this Friday, February 29th.
This week we will be typing our “Me Front Page” project. Many children have brought in their 8 x 10 picture and have started that part for the project. If you child has not brought in their picture they need to do this ASAP.
Also, this week we will be working in our ISAT book on plot, subplot, and setting. We will be completing another extended response to a story.
We continue to learn new things in our geometry chapter. This week we will develop spatial reasoning abilities through problem solving. Next, we will classify triangles as equilateral, scalene, isosceles, right, acute, and obtuse. Then, we will find the sum of angles of a triangle. Ask your child what they learned about classifying quadrilaterals. Our checkpoint quiz will be on Thursday, February 28th on pgs. 268-269.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Week of February 18th

February 29, 2008 -- End of Trimester
March 3, 2008 -- Casimir Pulaski Day -- No School
March 7, 2008 -- Too Good For Drugs Graduation @ 1:00
March 10-14, 2008 -- Parent/Teacher Conference Week
March 11, 2008 -- Report Cards
March 14, 2008 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School
March 21, 2008 -- No School
March 24, 2008 -- Spring Break Begins
March 31, 2008 -- Classes Resume
April 24, 2008 -- Early Dismissal

This week are continuing on in Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation. We will identify and correctly punctuate interjections. Next, we will punctuate and capitalize direct quotations in a sentence. Then we will write in book, movie, newspaper, magazine, and poem titles correctly. Finally, we will write and punctuate abbreviations correctly. We will be filling in our own version of Garfield comics as a fun way to show our knowledge learned. Our test on this chapter is scheduled for Wednesday, February 27th.

Your child should have picked their new book for February. They should be reading a genre they have not chosen so far this year. The February book report is due on the last day of the month – Friday, February 29th.

Last week we began with the first lesson in Chapter 7 on Geometry. This week we will identify basic geometric figures. Next, we will classify angles as right, obtuse, and acute. Ask your child what they learned about measuring and drawing angles with a protractor. Finally, we will identify polygons that are common shapes that we see every day.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Week of February 11th

IOWA Testing - Week of 2/11
Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:20 - 2/14/08
Spirit Day - Wear Red - 2/15/08
President's Day - No School 2/18/08
Casmir Pulaski - NO SCHOOL 3/3/08
Too Good For Drugs Graduation 1:00 3/7/08
This week we will be giving IOWA tests Mon- Thurs. Make-up tests for absentees will take place on Friday. It’s important that your child is well rested and has a healthy breakfast, so that he/she is prepared to do his/her best on the tests.
This week we will continue Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation. Students should already be familiar with many of these rules.
This week we will be reviewing extended response questions.
Your child should have picked their new book for February. They should be reading a genre they have not chosen so far this year.
We will be taking the Chapter 5 Test on Monday, February 11th. We will begin the Geometry Unit this week.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Week of February 4th
Teacher Institute - No School 2/5/08
Math Checkpoint Quiz (p.220-221) 2/6/08
Early Dismissal 2/7/08
Chapter 5 Math Test 2/8/08
District Spelling Bee @ 1:15 - 2/8/08
IOWA Testing - Week of 2/11
Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:20 - 2/14/08
President's Day - No School 2/18/08
Next week we will be giving IOWA tests. It is important that your child has a good night of sleep and eats a healthy breakfast every morning. It is also important that your child be on time to school because we will be beginning to test first thing every morning. If your child is late and we have begun the test they will have to sit in the office until we are finished with the test. Therefore, they will have to make the test up at a later point in time.
We are completing an adjective a-z picture book upon completion of the unit and will be due on Thursday, January 31st. This week we will also begin Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation.
This week we continue to prepare for ISAT testing. We will be reading a non-fiction story and work on multiple choice questions. We also will focus on extended response questions. Ask your child what they need to do with an extended response question.
We will be taking the checkpoint quiz as we have concluded Chapter 5 (p.220-221) on Wednesday, February 6th. Students will be completing a review before the Chapter 5 Test on Monday, February 11th.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Week of January 28th
January Book Report on 1/31/08
Weather Activities #1-10 Test 2/1/08
Math Checkpoint Quiz (p.220-221) 2/4/08
Teacher Institute - No School 2/5/08
Early Dismissal 2/7/08
Chapter 5 Math Test 2/8/08
District Spelling Bee @ 1:15 - 2/8/08
Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:20 - 2/14/08
President's Day - No School 2/18/08
We are completing an adjective a-z picture book upon completion of the unit and will be due on Thursday, January 31st. This week we will also begin Unit 5, Capitalization and Punctuation.
January book reports will be due Thursday, Jan. 31st. We continue to work in our ISAT book this week. We will be focusing on main characters and supporting characters. Authors and illustrators reveal characters through their thoughts, words, and actions. The plot of a story can center around contrasts between the actions, motives, and appearances of characters.
If your child has not yet memorized multiplication and/or division facts, they need to know them!!! Last week we took four days to complete lesson 7, so we did indeed take it slow in the beginning of this second half. Looking ahead: we will be taking another checkpoint quiz upon the conclusion of the chapter (p.220-221) on Monday, February 4th. The Chapter 5 Test should be on Friday, February 8th.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Week of January 21st
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School 1/21/08
Progress Reports Issued 1/22/08
Chapter 8 Social Studies Test on Friday 1/25/08
Spirit Day - Shirt from favorite vacation spot or state 1/25/08
January Book Report on 1/31/08
Teacher Institute - No School 2/5/08
Early Dismissal 2/7/08
District Spelling Bee @ 1:15 - 2/8/08
Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:20 - 2/14/08
President's Day - No School 2/18/08
We are completing Unit 4 - Adjectives with a test on Tuesday, January 22nd. We will be doing an adjective a-z picture book upon completion of the unit and will be due on Tuesday, January 29th.
This week we will be working in our ISAT review book to cover activities that went with our two stories that we read in our book. We will be working on point of view, purpose for reading, and also look at charts, graphs, and diagrams.
If your child has not yet memorized multiplication and/or division facts, they need to know them!!! We are officially half way through Chapter 5. We will be beginning long division on Tuesday. I plan on spending 3 days to complete lesson 7, so we will be taking it slow in the beginning of this second half. Looking ahead: we will be taking another checkpoint quiz upon the conclusion of the chapter (p.220-221) on Thursday, January. 31st. The Chapter 5 Test should be on Monday, February 4th.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Week of January 14th