Important Dates . . .
May 9 -- Happy Mother's Day, Moms!
May 10 -- 4th grade trip to Robert Crown
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Students from Project Challenge have started a fundraiser for the ASPCA, a foundation to stop animal cruelty. The kids will be selling "Smencils", (scented pencils), for $1.00 each. The pencils will be sold each morning in the grade level areas. The sales will start Friday, April 30th, and go through May 28th. We will track our sales on the bulletin board by the multi-purpose room. For every twenty dollars we raise, one food bowl will go up on the bulletin board. So please save our animals. Buy Smencils.
Language Arts
The students are continuing to work on handwriting and good main idea sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given. We will also work on creating a poem this week using Co-Writer.
Your child will be coming home with 7 words from lesson 132 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home. On the page I will be sending home each Monday there will be suggestions on how you can work with your child & have them get extra practice.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track.
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 33 this week. Others will be working on an animal list, where science, reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test.
One strategy you can use to help is utilizing this website: Students can learn spelling words, practice spelling tests, and play fun spelling games.
There is a lot of information to know in Chapter 2, Animals. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is there are many kinds of animals. Animals can be grouped by their traits. The children have finished the first lesson, Mammals and Birds. Each child has a lot to share of their knowledge about animals. I would like them to be able to not only be interested in the animals discussed, but to know the characteristics of each animal group and how they differ by specific traits. This week we will be moving on to the Lesson 2, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
Instead of adding on the value of quarters, the class spent more time focusing on adding just pennies, nickels, and dimes last week. So, this week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a quarter. Then, we will be adding the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter all together. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
Reading- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 13 vocabulary words
Spelling- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
April 26th - 30th
Important Dates . . .
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Language Arts
The students are continuing to work on handwriting and good main idea sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given. We will also work on an essay this week using Co-Writer.
Your child will be coming home with 7 words from lesson 12 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home. On the page I will be sending home each Monday there will be suggestions on how you can work with your child & have them get extra practice.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The Independent Reading Folder should be turned in at the end of the month (no later than April 29th) to ensure they can attend the lunch reading party on Friday, April 30th. Keep reading!
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 32 this week. Others will be working on a different list, where reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test.
One strategy you can use to help is: Spelling with Crayons and Paper. Want to get started right away -- maybe today -- with some fun spelling activities? Do you have paper and crayons on hand? Sure you do! Here is a super easy spelling idea! Have your child completely cover a half sheet of paper with crayon. Use a variety of bright colors in any pattern at all. Then you can do a couple of things with the waxy page. Your child can scrape the spellings into the wax with his fingernail or the end of
pen cap. Another idea is to place the waxy side face down on a clean piece of paper. Write the spelling words onto the backside of the colored page, pressing down hard. The wax will press onto the clean sheet, making rainbow letters. Colors are used to emphasize the spelling and improve memory of the words.
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Language Arts
The students are continuing to work on handwriting and good main idea sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given. We will also work on an essay this week using Co-Writer.
Your child will be coming home with 7 words from lesson 12 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home. On the page I will be sending home each Monday there will be suggestions on how you can work with your child & have them get extra practice.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The Independent Reading Folder should be turned in at the end of the month (no later than April 29th) to ensure they can attend the lunch reading party on Friday, April 30th. Keep reading!
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 32 this week. Others will be working on a different list, where reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test.

The children have begun a new chapter in science last week. There is a lot of information to know in Chapter 2, Animals. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is there are many kinds of animals. Animals can be grouped by their traits.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
The class will continue building on to our knowledge of coin value. So far we have covered the value of pennies, nickels, and dimes. This week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a quarter. Then, we will be adding the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter together. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
Reading- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- turn in Independent Reading Folder Log no later than Thursday, April 29th
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 12 vocabulary words
Spelling- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
The children have begun a new chapter in science last week. There is a lot of information to know in Chapter 2, Animals. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is there are many kinds of animals. Animals can be grouped by their traits.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
The class will continue building on to our knowledge of coin value. So far we have covered the value of pennies, nickels, and dimes. This week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a quarter. Then, we will be adding the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter together. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
Reading- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- turn in Independent Reading Folder Log no later than Thursday, April 29th
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 12 vocabulary words
Spelling- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
Friday, April 16, 2010
April 19th - 23rd
Important Dates . . .
April 22 -- Early Dismissal
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Language Arts
We had a blast working on poetry last week! Each child wrote two different poems that turned out spectacular! The students are continuing to work on handwriting and good main idea sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given.
Due to a lack of time because of other events last week we will continue on with the same lesson this week. Your child should still have their list of 7 words from lesson 11 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will continue to be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The Independent Reading Folder should be turned in at the end of the month (April 29th this month) to ensure they can attend the lunch reading party on Friday, April 30th. Keep reading!
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 31 this week. Others will be working on a different list, where reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test. One strategy you can use to help is: Water Wash - (Warm day required!) Use a paintbrush and water to write your words on the sidewalk!
The children have done an outstanding job with reading and activities in Chapter 1, Living and Nonliving Things. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is that living things have needs and they change as they grow. We are currently observing what plants need. More specifically, what will happen if we don’t water one plant, but water the other. We are beginning the week with a final review of the chapter and taking a chapter test. The test will be Tuesday, April 20th. Continue studying by rereading the text and studying the 6 vocabulary terms.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
We all have been so excited to use the mimio and elmo lately to review, teach, and play review coin games! The class will be doing the same this week too, just building on to our knowledge of coin value. So far we have covered the value of pennies, nickels, and the combination of both. This week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a dime and adding the penny, nickel and dime together. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 11 vocabulary words
- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
– test Tuesday, April 20th
- Reread Ch. 1 p.48-77- Study 6 vocabulary words for test
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
April 22 -- Early Dismissal
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Language Arts
We had a blast working on poetry last week! Each child wrote two different poems that turned out spectacular! The students are continuing to work on handwriting and good main idea sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given.
Due to a lack of time because of other events last week we will continue on with the same lesson this week. Your child should still have their list of 7 words from lesson 11 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will continue to be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The Independent Reading Folder should be turned in at the end of the month (April 29th this month) to ensure they can attend the lunch reading party on Friday, April 30th. Keep reading!
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 31 this week. Others will be working on a different list, where reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test. One strategy you can use to help is: Water Wash - (Warm day required!) Use a paintbrush and water to write your words on the sidewalk!
The children have done an outstanding job with reading and activities in Chapter 1, Living and Nonliving Things. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is that living things have needs and they change as they grow. We are currently observing what plants need. More specifically, what will happen if we don’t water one plant, but water the other. We are beginning the week with a final review of the chapter and taking a chapter test. The test will be Tuesday, April 20th. Continue studying by rereading the text and studying the 6 vocabulary terms.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
We all have been so excited to use the mimio and elmo lately to review, teach, and play review coin games! The class will be doing the same this week too, just building on to our knowledge of coin value. So far we have covered the value of pennies, nickels, and the combination of both. This week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a dime and adding the penny, nickel and dime together. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 11 vocabulary words
- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
– test Tuesday, April 20th
- Reread Ch. 1 p.48-77- Study 6 vocabulary words for test
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
Friday, April 9, 2010
April 12th - 16th
Important Dates . . .
April 22 -- Early Dismissal
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Language Arts
The students are continuing to work on handwriting and sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given. Every student is to nearly independently responsible for looking up words that spelling is unknown. Each week they are improving drastically from the last and taking it to the next level!
Your child will be coming home with 7 words from lesson 11 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home. On the page I will be sending home each Monday there will be suggestions on how you can work with your child & have them get extra practice.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The Independent Reading Folder should be turned in at the end of the month to ensure they can attend the lunch reading party. Keep reading!
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 30 this week. Others will be working on a different list, where reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test. One strategy you can use to help is: Memory Game - Make pairs of word cards. Flip them over and try to match the pairs!
The children are doing a great job with the beginning of Chapter 1, Living and Nonliving Things. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is that living things have needs and they change as they grow. We went outside to observe and write about what living things (birds) eat - what an awesome science inquiry we had because they didn't eat our food options! This week we are seeing what plants need for an inquiry. Towards the end of the week we will be reviewing the chapter. The test will be Tuesday, April 20th. Start studying by rereading the text and studying the 6 vocabulary terms.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
We all have been so excited to use the mimio and elmo lately to review, teach, and play review coin games! The class will be doing the same this week too, just building on to our knowledge of coin value. So far we have covered the value of pennies, nickels, and the combination of both. This week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a dime. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 11 vocabulary words
- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
- Reread Ch. 1 p.48-77
- Study 6 vocabulary words for test
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
April 22 -- Early Dismissal
May 14 -- Early Dismissal
May 31 -- Memorial Day -- No School
Language Arts
The students are continuing to work on handwriting and sentences this week. They will continue building on writing grammatically correct sentences that relate to the topic given. Every student is to nearly independently responsible for looking up words that spelling is unknown. Each week they are improving drastically from the last and taking it to the next level!
Your child will be coming home with 7 words from lesson 11 of the Elements of Reading Vocabulary program that will be studied during the week in class and should be reviewed at home. On the page I will be sending home each Monday there will be suggestions on how you can work with your child & have them get extra practice.
Each 20 minute increment read counts for a point up to 20 points – yes, that means an additional reading grade each month for learning to love to read. Your help is greatly appreciated! Please sign on the date the reading was accomplished. This orange folder should be turned in every Monday to make sure they are staying on track. The Independent Reading Folder should be turned in at the end of the month to ensure they can attend the lunch reading party. Keep reading!
This week we will continue to be divided into different spelling groups. Some will be working on Unit 30 this week. Others will be working on a different list, where reading and spelling skills will be built at the same time through this list.
Practice pages will be assigned for the upcoming week's list on Friday to give additional study time. Over the weekend would be a good time to discuss the meaning of the words. Although we work on meaning typically on Fridays and Mondays, help from home is greatly encouraged! They will be receiving them daily as an assignment. A test over the lesson will be given every Friday. Please try to help your child study if you see they are not performing as well as you'd expect on the weekly test. One strategy you can use to help is: Memory Game - Make pairs of word cards. Flip them over and try to match the pairs!
The children are doing a great job with the beginning of Chapter 1, Living and Nonliving Things. The "Big Idea" of this chapter is that living things have needs and they change as they grow. We went outside to observe and write about what living things (birds) eat - what an awesome science inquiry we had because they didn't eat our food options! This week we are seeing what plants need for an inquiry. Towards the end of the week we will be reviewing the chapter. The test will be Tuesday, April 20th. Start studying by rereading the text and studying the 6 vocabulary terms.
Math (Mrs. K's Math class only)
We all have been so excited to use the mimio and elmo lately to review, teach, and play review coin games! The class will be doing the same this week too, just building on to our knowledge of coin value. So far we have covered the value of pennies, nickels, and the combination of both. This week we will continue working on the value of coins, and more specifically adding the value of a dime. The children will be encouraged to use Touch Math to solve the values of the coins presented.
Daily Homework
- 20 minutes and fill in Independent Reading Folder Log due every Monday
- students should practice reading poem nightly to parents to work on fluency
- study lesson 11 vocabulary words
- Practice Page nightly & study words with parents nightly
- Reread Ch. 1 p.48-77
- Study 6 vocabulary words for test
*Please check your child's homework and sign assignment notebook when complete.
**If your child is having difficulties with their homework please send a note and I will help them during free time
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