Important Dates:
May 26, 2008 -- Memorial Day -- No School
May 27, 2008 – Robert Crown Field Trip
May 29, 2008 – Bowling Field Trip
May 30, 2008 -- 5th Grade Dance
June 5, 2008 – Last Day of School

We are wrapping up the poetry anthology unit this week. I bet you can't wait to see the final product by the beginning of next week!

The second half of Chapter 9 wrapped up last week. We will continue to study fractions the rest of this week.
Social Studies

We will begin our final chapter for the year this week, Chapter 19, Into the Twenty-first Century. By the end of the chapter your child should be able to understand more recent history. Events like 9/11/01 brought nationalism back! It's unfortunate that a terrorists had to bring us to this state of defense and pride of being an American. It's amazing how history can repeat itself.